Membership Types

Corporate/Government Membership

A complementary Corporate/Government Membership is available to those organizations that are regularly engaged in relocation of their own employees (e.g., corporations and government agencies). The membership in GWERC will be in the name of the corporation or government agency.  

Service Provider

Service Provider Membership is available to those relocation service companies whose primary business activity is in any of the following fields:  temporary living, transportation & storage of household goods, tax services. immigration, benefit administration, real estate services, and specific services associated with global mobility are some examples.  Service Company Membership will be in the name of the service company. Each organization may purchase up to three membership slots for a fee of $400 per member.

Associate Member

Associate Membership is restricted to individuals who do not meet the criteria of Organization or Service Company Membership but have an interest in furthering the goals and purposes of GWERC. Persons falling into this category may be retired relocation professionals, former relocation professionals not currently involved in the field, and others as approved by the GWERC Board. A membership fee of $400 will be assessed.

Media Member

Media Membership is restricted to members of Worldwide ERC.  Persons interested from ERC should contact GWERC directly if interested in membership.

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